Why I Decided to Open a Coffee Truck: Chasing the Dream

Why I Decided to Open a Coffee Truck: Chasing the Dream 

For the first time ever, we have introduced a new portion of Green Joe Coffee Truck: The Joe on the Go Podcast!


This podcast brings us all the way back to the start of Green Joe Coffee Truck. I’ve made a lot of videos in the past, but I have never fully sat down to explain (in order) how my business was started to where we are now. Join me as I go back in time to discuss my journey of the highs, the lows and everything in-between. 


If you have ever been interested in starting a coffee shop, a coffee truck or a mobile espresso bar, then this is the place for you. When I started this business there was little to no information regarding the coffee truck industry. My goal since then has been to change that narrative. When I started building my coffee truck, I decided to document my journey for myself and to help others in the process. 


Chasing the Dream:

Joe on the Go Podcast Episode #01

Coffee Trailer Selling Coffee for Events

After many years of being a paramedic, I finally decided it was time to change course. 


Rather than investing into a medical career where I thought I may end up with “compassion fatigue,” I decided to invest in a new journey instead.


I decided to chase after my dream of opening a coffee shop. 


When I told my girlfriend, she looked at me as if I had lost it, but still trusted my decision. Regardless of the challenges that were in front of me, the weight on my chest was almost immediately lifted. I was excited and ready for this new adventure.


I had limited entrepreneurial experience and absolutely ZERO barista knowledge, but I was determined to figure it out. 


I knew that I didn’t want to go into debt immediately, so I tried to think of alternative options to a coffee shop. That’s when the idea of a coffee truck came to mind. However, at the time, I had never even seen a coffee truck!


I thought a coffee truck or trailer would be a good way to sell coffee, test out different drink recipes, gain experience, build a small community and learn all at the same time. 


During this phase, I had started working in retail to save up a little bit of cash. After a while, I started to realize how much I was working and how unhappy I was with myself. I was under a tremendous amount of stress, I was extremely unhappy and I was also gaining a lot of weight.  


After about two years, I had saved around $15,000 and I was finally able to quit my job. 


This was the moment I had been waiting for.


After returning from our honeymoon In Europe, my wife and I went out to Texas to look at a trailer that we had found on Craigslist.


We bought it the next day.


I had no idea what to look for when buying a coffee truck, (besides water damage and the basics)but that didn’t stop me. 


Research became my best friend. I spent hours at a time digging into health codes, regulations, plumbing, electric and more. There were so many things that I didn’t understand, but I was extremely determined to figure it all out. I wanted to live this dream and no matter how hard it was, I was ready for the challenge.


I was motivated, but I made A LOT of mistakes along the way. I started to document my journey and suddenly during the process, at the 'Green Joe Coffee Truck' community was born. 

For more information about Green Joe Coffee Truck and my adventure, stay tuned for the next podcast!


Interested in more snippets of the Joe on the Go Podcast?


Find out how I got the name for my coffee truck HERE!


Need help with your coffee truck or mobile espresso cart? I’ve got you covered! 


Take a peek at a few of my most helpful Ebook, built for the DIY entrepreneur. 


More of classroom learner? I’ve got something for that too! Check out our Coffee Truck Crash Course. This four week immersive course goes over the in’s and outs of the coffee truck industry.


Grab yourself a cup of Joe and let’s get started!